Voice Lessons:

Not everyone can be a professional singer but everyone CAN be taught to be a functional singer! It may take time and dedication, but yes, you can learn how to sing in tune and with control. In our studio you can learn everything from pop, rock, and country to choral, Broadway, and yes, even classical art songs and Opera! Brian has a Bachelors and Masters Degree in voice and has trained students that have gone on to win awards as the high scorer medalist and earn solos at The Tennessee All State and All State East Choruses, win full collegiate scholarships in voice, and have even gone on to be music educators and recording artists themselves! Students of our studio are regularly seen on the stage at our local community theaters, churches, and schools as contributing members of the choruses and also as leading characters and soloists.

Brian is a Professional Member of the prestigious National Association of Teachers of Singing and is a Certified Coach of the NeuroVocal Method™ for Popular Styles (NeuroVocal Method™ is a new and groundbreaking approach to singing. Based on neuroscience, this adaptive method encourages lasting and efficient changes for natural-sounding singing. Please visit www.meredithcolby.com for more details).